Ravi Ahuja

Best Graphics Cards For The Money

Best Graphics Cards For The Money

The New Year 2012 dawned with a lot of promise in the field of graphic cards. While AMD launched its new Radeon 7950, NVidia came up trumps with GeForce GTX 580. These two have aroused great excitement in gaming developers and graphic designers.

iSkysoft Slideshow Maker

Win iSkysoft Slideshow Maker for Mac

All of us record and save our memorable moments in the form of photos and videos. In this internet age, we want to share these wonderful memories with our family and friends through various social networking sites like Facebook or upload them on YouTube or use other devices like iPad or iPhone.

Dell XPS 13 Ultrabook

Dell XPS 13 Ultrabook

Dell has finally come out with its long-awaited ultrabook. The new Dell XPS 13 ultrabook is here. Dell has put full efforts in designing an impressive and technically superior Dell XPS 13 ultrabook. With XPS 13, Dell has given a much thinner, a much lighter and a little quicker electronic notebook to the audience. Dell’s …

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