
Read and Save Google Books on Your Desktop with GooReader

Reading eBooks online on your computer sometimes becomes quite difficult and tedious. Those who have a habit of reading books find it unusual to read books online as scrolling of pages and reading the content is not as smooth or convenient for them as reading on hands. But there is always a solution to every problem. GooReader is such desktop application which allows reading the Google Books online as well as offline.

Google books one of the products by Google allows the users to read books online only. But with GooReader you can also download those books in .PDF format and can save on your desktop for future reading. Some of them are FREE to read while most of the others are paid.

GooReader is a free desktop application that allows you to read Google Books online and offline, add Bookmarks to pages, create a local Library and save books to PDF. Thus with this application you can make your reading easy and convenient.

The interface of the software is easy to use for reading publicly available books and magazines on Google Books. Instead of awkward page scrolling in browser, GooReader allows you read the books on your desktop in the same way as you read hardcover books or paperback magazines. It also gives you the option of zooming pages, searching inside books and even making annotations and save fragments. You can also rotate, enlarge the pages using the GooReader.

Bookmark Creation: GooReader also allows you to create bookmarks on pages so that when you start reading the book next time you get directed to the same page you left before. This option serves best when you download the book on your hard disk.

Access Online Google Library: You can also search the content on Google’s online books store just by signing in to your Google account and instantly view your favorite books.

Download Books: You can also download the Google books at your hard disk with the feature of downloading the file in PDF format. But for downloading you need to purchase the software at $19.95. Moreover, you can also read those books on your iPads and tablets after downloading them in PDF format.

Overall, the software is a great utility for general readers who are interested in reading books. The best part of the application is that it gives a complete feel of reading the books on hands with turning of pages, rotation and other features.

Download GooReader